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Kitrvs Winery and Vineyards

Kitrvs is a winery from northern Pieria that its wines pretty fast created a sensation in the market. Its people draw strength from their faith in the potential of the land and especially of Pydna. The private vineyard is planted in a slope wtih northeastern exposure following the contemporary linear system and includes the white varieties Malagouzia and Verdicchio, and the red ones, Syrah and Aglianico. The vineyard management aims to achieve optimal ripeness of the grapes , following the rules of good agricultural practice and monitoring critical factors of cultivation. Generally it is a system with low yields that respects and maintains the local natural balance. The overall quality that characterizes the winery at all production stages and consumers will understand and enjoy it when drinking their wines.

Додаткова інформація

Яким чином замовити тур / 0030 2351077724

Виноробня відкрита для відвідувачів:

Якими мовами розмовляє персонал




Розмір виноробні:


Винні категорії:

Сорта винограду, які використовуються для виробництва

Malagousia-Μαλαγουζιά, CHARDONNAY ( Greece), SYRAH ( Greece), CABERNET SAUVIGNON ( Greece)

Винні маршрути:

Wine and Greek Myths: Route of Olympian myths

Варіації винних турів:

Wine Tasting , Vineyard Tour , Meeting with winegrower/winemaker , Tours with meals/snack

Можливість оплатити:

Credit Card&Cash

Можливість зупинитися:

Kitrvs Winery and Vineyards

Vineyard & Winery



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Kitrvs Winery and Vineyards


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