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Wine and City: Thessaloniki city break

Thessaloniki, the modern multicultural metropolis, nominated Gastronomical city by UNESCO will offer you unforgettable times and experiences. Start the route with the most innovative project for a resilient city; the urban vineyard that brought together Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Municipality and Domaine Gerovasiiliou. People from the neighborhood take care of the vineyard, celebrate during harvesting and the wine produced “Gorgona” (mermaid) is sold by the municipality for social purposes in major gastronomical events. You can meet the winemaker responsible for the wine Vangelis Gerovasilliou and he will tell you how everything began when mayor of the city was another winemaker KirGiannis Boutaris.

During your visit to “Domaine Gerovasilliou” enjoy a wine tourism experience and local gastronomy at the restaurant. Close by another family winery “Domaine Florian” will re-introduce you to the famous “retsina” wine with a label produced by high quality grapes. This route will take you to the city’s outskirts and to “Kechris winery”; one of the first Greek winemakers who believed in retsina and worked with such dedication to ensure its qualitative revival. Test your knowledge with 10 myths and facts about retsina and taste the traditional wine of Greece, a product of fermentation of the must from grapes. The route will lead you to Nea Mesimvria only 20 km from the city where 3 wineries gaze at Thermaikos golf and offer a warmth family local gastronomy and the famous retsina wine. While staying at the city, visit 15 UNESCO monuments, the urban waterfront, Modiano and Kapani market and the most lively nightlife in famous wine bars and restaurants with dishes influenced by Jewish, Pontiac, Constantinople communities; don't miss the Street food Festival.





Wine and City: Thessaloniki city break