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Wine and Silk

Silk connects the East with the West from the past till now. Start your wine route from Soufli (Evros) and the winemaking region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Winemaking and silk production revives in Soufli; one of the best tourism villages by the UNWTO. Stay at an old sericulture warehouse that is now a traditional small hotel and taste tsipouro and the wines of “Bellas winery”. Visit a handful of Silk Museums telling the story of the area since 1880. 

Don't miss the "Tzivre Silk mill", a significant landmark hosting open-air cultural events. Your route will pass from Alexandroupoli and Hatzisavva Vineyards heading to two major tobacco cities Xanthi and Kavala. Xanthi was renowned in the Danubian Principalities (early 18th century) exporting tobacco to Crimea, Kirkasia and Pontos while a sultan firman (law) of 1859 gave the opportunity to upper class Christians, Jews and Armenians, to have an active role in the production and trade. If you have time spend a day in Thessaloniki* a city that played also an essential role in the historical tobacco and Silk Road trade. Find yourself in Goumenissa where the story of silk brings you to the old factory of “Chrysallis” and family wineries with well-known PDO Goumenissa wines (Xinomavro with the local Negoska variety). “Domaine Tatsis” constantly experiment doing long macerations of their native white varieties and long élevage for roses. “Aidarini” family produces fine wines and tsipouro since the late 19th century. In “Chatzivariti winery”, you may taste organic and natural wines and share stories of Mediterranean-style family gatherings, endless late-night discussions intoxicated by the love for winemaking, and a wine that speaks for itself. Your wine experience will be completed with local gastronomy and the famous traditional music of the brass instruments.





Wine and Silk