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Wine Philosophy and Poetry: the Route of Aristotle

Follow the route of the great Philosopher of the Classical period of Ancient Greece and visit the family wineries of mountainous Halkidiki. Start from the birth place of Aristotle, ancient Stagira and the archeological site in Olympiada village, it will give you the most amazing view to the sea and the opportunity to get some of the famous mussels too. Climb up the mountain to the «Mademochoria» (mine villages where “Akrathos Newlands Winery” will give you a tour of the organic vineyards located on the eastern slopes of Mount Cholomon facing Mount Athos and Athonian Gulf, where Aristotle and the historic Akanthos wine were born. «Estate Taraza» on the green hills of Megali Panagia will fascinate your taste with its bio-varieties. «Domaine Claudia Papayianni» in Arnaia, one of the most beautiful mountainous villages in Macedonia, will give you the most amazing gastronomical experience. Here you will taste the local mushrooms, roast, honey and diary products.

Your route will take you to «Livadiotis Estate» and then to the Naoussa and the ruins of Aristotle's School, only 2 kilometers away from the city, at the district of Isvoria. This place with racing water and deeply shaded caves is mentioned by ancient writers as the first «university», where Aristotle taught the royal Court and Alexander the Great. In a family-owned vineyard the excavations revealed (in the 70ies) the ruins of the school. The winemaker from «Diamantakos Winery» will share the story of his father’s discovery among the most significant vineyards of Greece, the PDO Naoussa area. 





Wine Philosophy and Poetry: the Route of Aristotle