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Wine and Family

Family is one of the most valuable aspects of our life. It is beautiful when all the family members are gathered around one business, especially the winemaking one!

Ukrainian Family Wineries are a common phenomenon all around the Southern part of the country. Thus, Wine and Family Route is all about family coziness, love, and wine. Throughout it, you have an excellent opportunity to discover the wine and local family values and traditions.

Ready? Steady. Go! 

Here are a few Wine & Family wineries we strongly recommend you to visit:

Natalya and Mar'yan Shevchenko Winery

The young Shevchenko family started this winery a decade ago. Their family business encountered numerous difficulties in the beginning, but today it's well-known in Odesa, Ukraine, and beyond.

Guliyev Winery

Guliev Winery goods are of exceptional quality thanks to modern equipment and a pragmatic approach to winemaking. This winery offers personal and group tastings with the company's founder, Robert Guliev, and his spouse.

Petrov Winery

This family dedicates all their time and energy to winemaking. You should visit this place to see the scientific family winemaking approach.

Feel the Ukrainian Family Vibe right now! Discover the Wine and Family Route!

Wine gatherings in family wineries are what you need to familiarize yourself with Ukrainian wine culture. Nothing captures the essence of wine culture better than its people.





Wine and Family