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Wine and Ethnos

Wine and Ethnos is an entertaining and exciting route that allows you to visit many ethnic museums and walk along the shores of Yalpug Lake. This route also gives you an opportunity to explore the influence of different nations on Ukrainian Winemaking: from Greeks and Germans to French and Italians. 

The most outstanding wineries on this route:

Chorna Fortecja

Bilhorod Dnitrovski is well-known for its magnificent medieval fortress and winemaking culture. These two city elements were outstandingly combined at Chorna Fortecja Winery.

The Winery is located at the same latitude as the wine areas of central Europe. The climate here is ideal for winemaking.

Shampan Ukrainy

Shampan Ukrainy Factory currently manufactures a substantial amount of high-quality wine materials and sparkling wines. While visiting the factory, you can take part in numerous events, such as tastings and meetings with wine experts.

Kyrnichky winery

It is undoubtedly one of the best locations to learn about the versatility of the Bessarabian grape and wine. The current Winery is a reincarnation of an ancient one that once stood in Kyrnichky village a century ago.

Discover all the Ukrainian international winery heritage right now, traveling along the Wine and Ethnos Route.

Wine and Ethnos Route is a great way to relax in one of the most remarkable wineries and learn the history of Ukrainian Winemaking.





Wine and Ethnos